From Exposure to Attention: What Works, What to Avoid, and What Media
A successful communication from the marketer to consumer typically happens in a 3 step process. The consumer is exposed to the message in...

Marketing Tactics: The influence of Social Proof
For this post I will be discussing another “weapon of influence”. If you enjoyed reading my previous post: Marketing Tactics: The...

Marketing Tactics: The Persuasion of Scarcity
I’m sure there has been at least once in your life that scarcity has caused you to purchase something, or do something you probably...

5 Easy Design Tips for Marketing Materials for the Non-Designer
If you are struggling to make your marketing materials look great, and are getting frustrated because you are NOT a designer? Well I have...

6 Quick Social Media Marketing Tips
Involvement & Engagement People like to feel like they are part of something. They like to feel included. They like to feel special! So...

Why Instagram Should be the Go-To Social Media Site for Your Fashion Brand
There are so many different social media sites, it can cause a headache trying to determine which ones to use. Sadly, the answer is: you...